Mrs. Larkin's Fifth Grade

Children are one third of our population and all of our future.  ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981
Great Expectations


The mission of Great Expectations is to motivate, inspire, and challenge individuals to achieve excellence in learning and living.    

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Eight Expectations for Living

• We will value one another as unique and special individuals.

• We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.

• We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first.

• We will cheer each other to success.

• We will help one another whenever possible.

• We will recognize every effort and applaud it.

• We will encourage each other to do our best.

• We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.

Classroom Practices:

  1. The teacher models desired behaviors and attitudes such as those set forth in the Life Principles and the Eight Expectations for Living.

  2. Students and teachers speak in complete sentences and address one another by name, demonstrating mutual respect and common courtesy.

  3. Students are taught as a whole group, thoroughly and to mastery, with intensive and specific modifications insuring success for all.

  4. Lessons are integrated, related to the real world, reviewed consistently, and connected to subsequent curricula.

  5. Critical thinking skills are taught.

  6. A non-threatening environment, conducive to risk-taking, is evident. Mistakes are okay. Students are taught to learn from their mistakes and to correct them.

  7. Memory work, recitations, and/or writing occur daily. These enhance character development and effective communication skills while extending curricula. Recitations are exuberant and full of expression.

  8. Enriched vocabulary is evident and is drawn directly from challenging writings and/or wisdom literature. Sources should include classic literature, myths, fables, poetry, proverbs, quotes, and other genres.

  9. The Magic Triad, a positive and caring environment, and discipline with dignity and logic are evident.

  10. Every student's work is displayed in some form. Teachers provide positive commentary through oral and/or written feedback.

  11. Word identification skills are used as a foundation for expanding the use of the English language.

  12. Students assume responsibility for their own behavior. Their choices determine consequences.

  13. A school, class, or personal creed is recited or reflected upon daily to reaffirm commitment to excellence.

  14. All students experience success. The teacher guarantees it by comparing
    students to their own past performance, not the performance of others. Students are showcased, and past failures are disregarded.

  15. The teacher teaches on his/her feet, engages students personally, holds high expectations of students, and does not limit them to grade level or perceived ability.

  16. Each classroom has a student who greets visitors and makes them feel welcome and comfortable.

  17. Teachers and students celebrate the successes of others.